Efforts to Address Stunting in the Village of Nduga, Papua New Guinea


  • Vandaam Suhendah Pacific Adventist Univerity, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
  • Gesya Yoseph Rakade University of Cenderawasih, Papua, Indonesia
  • Fibbert Ellena Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea


Stunting, malnutrition, food security, dietary diversity, clean water, sanitation, maternal and child healthcare, community engagement, education, sustainable solutions.


Stunting, a chronic form of malnutrition, remains a significant public health concern in many developing regions, including the remote village of Nduga in Papua New Guinea. This community service project aimed to address the high prevalence of stunting in Nduga through a comprehensive approach involving various stakeholders. The project focused on four key areas: improving food security and dietary diversity, enhancing access to clean water and sanitation, promoting maternal and child healthcare, and fostering community engagement and education. The outcomes of this initiative highlight the importance of a multifaceted strategy in combating stunting and pave the way for sustainable solutions tailored to the unique needs of the Nduga community.


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How to Cite

Vandaam Suhendah, Gesya Yoseph Rakade, & Fibbert Ellena. (2023). Efforts to Address Stunting in the Village of Nduga, Papua New Guinea. VORS : Journal Of Community Service, 1(1), 17–26. Retrieved from https://journal.echaprogres.or.id/index.php/vors/article/view/9


